Myoguide DOC: Pain And Spasticity Management Uncovered

Myoguide DOC is designed for clinicians managing patients with pain and spasticity.  Clinicians can document patient history, treatment, treatment plans, generate reports, as well as, add and track spasticity, capability, and pain index scores.


Clinicians can mark, as well as, attach details, where they inject using anatomical graphics.  They can also review the complete patient injection history at any time, using displayed coloured markers.  Integrated patient assessment indexes can be transferred to a tablet for patients to fill out.


Built-in Pain and Spasticity Indexes
Faces Visual Scale Burke-Fahn-Marsden Scale
Colors Visual Scale Barry Albright Dystonia Scale (BAD)
Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire Torticollis Severity Rating Scale
Spasmodic Torticollis Rating Scale Writer’s Cramp Scale
Ashworth Scale Boyd & Graham Scale
Modified Ashworth Scale Selective Control Assessment Scale
Tardieu Scale Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS)
Modified Tardieu Scale Australian Spasticity Assessment Scale (ASAS)
Hypertonia Assessment Tool: HAT


Clinicians have the ability to easily view and update patients’ demographics, treatment history, and outcome assessments. There is also an ability to access all graphics for integration into communications. Lab results and other documents can be added to the patient records for a more comprehensive picture of the patient’s history. This can reduce paperwork and save time, while increasing productivity and improving patient management.

Clinicians have the ability to easily view and update patients’ demographics, treatment history, and outcome assessments. There is also an ability to access all graphics for integration into communications. Lab results and other documents can be added to the patient records for a more comprehensive picture of the patient’s history. This can reduce paperwork and save time, while increasing productivity and improving patient management.


Built-in Syndrome Graphic Series
Cervical dystonia  Hyper-salivation  Shoulder adduction
Elbow extension  Jaw closing dystonia  Shoulder abduction
Elbow flexion  Jaw opening dystonia  Strabismus
Finger extension  Knee extension  Thumb extension
Finger flexion  Knee flexion  Thumb in palm
Fisting  Little finger abduction  Thumb protrusion
Foot dorsiflexion  Nystagmus  Toe extension
Foot inversion  Oro-facial dystonia  Toe    flexion
Hemi-facial spasm/ Blepharospasm  Outlet constipation  Wrist extension
Hip adduction  Ptosis Induction  Wrist flexion
Hip flexion  Plantar flexion/ Equinus  Wrist    pronation
Hyperhidrosis  Rectal fissure  Wrist supination


Powerful “at a glance” insights into your patients’ progress are available using the graphics based system.  Myoguide DOC™ includes built-in graphics series defining a variety of spasticity syndromes.  There is also the capability to build your own customized anatomical graphic series, for clinically defined protocols, pertinent to each office or department.




Graphical injection documentation Highly visual
Existing graphics series for existing syndromes Streamlines the documentation process
Existing graphics available to build for custom series Improve workflow
Historical injection points/ data available to view in charts and graphically View important information at-a-glance
Indexes for pain, spasticity, and function are built-in Make more informed decisions
Interaction with tablets for index questionnaires Improve intra and inter-office communication
Indexes are graphically available for each patient Improve care coordination
Data mining Ability to track patient outcomes over time
Treatment records and graphics available for letters and reports Improve efficiency and productivity
Templates for daily record, letters, and tx plans Improve and enhance the quality of care
Organizes documents more efficiently Improve patient engagement
Ongoing tracking of patient care Reduce paper
Treatment plan reminder pop-up Easily find pertinent patient information
Medic Alert area Pop-up treatment plan focuses efforts


Feedback from our beta-testing program shows solid support for Myoguide DOC as an excellent addition to clinical practices where patient’s pain and spasticity are being treated.


Beta Test Feedback
 Seamless integration of clinical care and data collection >   Reduces time for data collection
 Clinical database collecting multiple parameters >  Useful for retrospective and prospective clinical research
 Instantaneous generation of graphs, displaying response to      treatment over time >  Facilitates clinical monitoring and decision making
  Visualization of past and current treatment plan >  Easier treatment planning
 Pre-populated customizable syndromes >  Less variability in quality of care
 Automatic generation of clinical report from data >  More efficient clinical care