Clinical Day with Myoguide
We like to keep our feet wet in the clinics to observe real practices. We had the privilege of watching over a variety of procedures, from headache protocol injections to management of pain, and spasticity. Myoguide performed admirably. Clear and concise EMG signals and EMG audio heralded entry into muscle, each and every time. I found an interesting advantage for Myoguide’s built in EMG signal display. EMG audio is another useful clue, but it is the ability to view the signal itself that provides the finer focus. Clinicians can evaluate the current state of EMG activity in previously injected areas during re-injection appointments. This qualitative and quantitative evaluation can provide necessary information to formulate re-injection dosing decisions. This will ensure adequate amounts of drug can be re-injected, without the worry of overdosing the site. This can keep patients managed for their condition with a high degree of efficacy.